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À l’image des outils tels que dialog ou whiptail, wizpym permettait de définir une interface graphique pour réaliser une succession d’opérations, à la manière d’un assistant (un wizard en anglais). Le code a été écrit (puis abandonné) à une époque reculée, quand la version majeure de Python devait être 2.3…


A wizard, as defined by wizpym, is an application that is built as a succession of panes, each one asking some input to the user or working on previous inputs. The whole wizard works on one object, called the subject, which is shared and updated by each one of the panes. The pane track can fork upon some inputs or any other environment data. The wizard also maintains a full history of the track, with the status of reverted panes. Thus the user can return down to the beginning, and forwarding preserves the previous status of a pane if already visited.


The code is hosted on this site. wizpym is also present on the Python Package Index.

Captures d’écran

An informative pane with no input.

A welcome screen, with features explanations and licence

A pane waiting for user inputs.

Inputs to search keywords either on Google or in the local files

An active pane.

A frame with an active search on the local files